Webinar #6: Publish or Perish: Why should non-academic evaluators in the global south think seriously about publishing?

Description: Publishing in peer-reviewed journals is a high-stakes activity in universities. However, non-academic evaluators have a wealth of experience that would contribute to the advancement of the field, if published. The publishing effort however can seem opaque and confusing, resulting in a frustrating experience for prospective authors. This webinar explored the depth and breadth of publishing by monitoring and evaluation professionals. We discussed strategies for identifying original and useful work to publish, sources to publish your work, and common mistakes to avoid. Finally, participants shared their experiences on the webinar topic.

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Webinar #6 Recording, Password: 8Q*11i.Y https://zoom.us/rec/share/78pWEq3w3U9IAYHO83HGS4U_Q6_DT6a8gScYrvQNykgUeI1C0oBGP3r61RyQCqXt

1 thought on “Webinar #6: Publish or Perish: Why should non-academic evaluators in the global south think seriously about publishing?

  1. Taibat Akinwunmi

    this is very impacted sir

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