Webinar #5: The Monitoring and Evaluation Job: Do Qualifications Matter? If Not, What Does?

Date: Jun 20, 2020, 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Description: This webinar argues the importance and limits of academic training in getting and performing the Monitoring and Evaluation job effectively. In particular, two University professors discuss courses they teach to prepare students for M&E Jobs. A recent graduate shares experience in searching for an M&E job. She details the differences in the real M&E job market. Additionally, a seasoned Program Director discusses experience hiring and managing M&E staff, M&E competencies of interest, and performance expectations. Finally, participants share experience on the webinar topic.

Access the PowerPoint Presentation and Recording below. If you like them, please hit the like button. In addition, subscribe by entering your email address on the top left side of this page.

Webinar #5 Recording, Password: 6p+Yav&g https://zoom.us/rec/share/tJdrF72o7WdJZImQ-G_6a7czPavEX6a8hHdN_vNcmEbCchB-VGXMiuNoV1d6T8JM

2 thoughts on “Webinar #5: The Monitoring and Evaluation Job: Do Qualifications Matter? If Not, What Does?

  1. wonderful stuff

  2. Lwalinda Isaiah

    Very useful to me as Manager in an organisation where M&E officer is a visitor to project area. I double as a Manager and M&E. This will enable me to build M&E professionalism among my team members.

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