Webinar Date: Saturday, September 12, 2020
Time: 4PM Nairobi & Jordan | 1PM Accra | 3PM Johannesburg| 2PM London & Lagos| 9AM Washington DC| 6.30PM New Delhi| 9PM Manila
Meeting ID: 910 4539 0658
Passcode: 498176
Link: https://zoom.us/j/91045390658?pwd=SUJGSVJmK045TGhiSnRQU1cwNmlQUT09
Description: The webinar discussed the tips, lessons, and opportunities for publishing in the Africa Evaluation Journal (AEJ). It will focus on to prepare abstracts, research articles, and evaluation reports to fit publication in the AEJ. In addition, the webinar will discuss AEJ guidelines for authors, how to work with and address feedback from reviewers, common mistakes to avoid when preparing journal articles, and the benefits of publishing with AEJ. Lastly, participants will share their experiences on the webinar topic.
Thanks Godfrey Senkaba for organising thé event